Facetime is great, but Apple doesn't own the mobile video calling market. New this week is an announcement from Fring that they have launched 4-way video calling Continue Reading
This is why Facetime is so great. It's wonderful to be able to talk to friends and family over an absolutely easy process, but when you're afraid Continue Reading
Have you *seen* the guided tour of Facetime on the iPad? It's crazy good. Kudos to Apple for producing something that so succinctly explains what Facetime is Continue Reading
Would you look at that! Facetime got 2 new features today: - HD (High Definition) - a price tag of 0.99 cents (app store link) The HD Continue Reading
Whoa. I guess this makes it official... you'll be able to Facetime between networks in the US. Good times all around!
Well how about that? Not to be content with Facetime on AT&T, Verizon announced today they are bringing the iPhone 4 and Facetime to the Verizon network. Continue Reading