If you don’t mind rolling up your sleeves and typing two lines of code on your Mac, Rob “the Corndog” Johnson has a great tip on how to set up Facetime on your home computer to auto-accept incoming Facetime requests from specified phone numbers or accounts:
1.) Open up the Terminal.app located in your /Applications/Utilities folder
2.) Type in the following to allow a specified caller for auto accept incoming calls:
phone number example:
defaults write com.apple.FaceTime AutoAcceptInvitesFrom -array-add +15205551212
AppleID (email) example:
defaults write com.apple.FaceTime AutoAcceptInvitesFrom -array-add stevejobs@apple.com
Simple enough, right? Enjoy remote surveillance of your house, check in to see how your dog and cat get along when you’re gone, or make sure the babysitter isn’t making out with her boyfriend while you’re on your dinner date.